Latest Project Management Articles

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6 reasons to get certified in project management

This is an article by Krishna Kumar, CEO of Simplilearn Solutions. Have you ever wondered why, after spending roughly 15 to 17 years of our life in the process of completing your formal education, most of us follow the same routine of job hunting, rejection, and sometimes, selection in this fiercely competitive, dog-eat-dog world? So…

People around a white board

How to Manage Expectations on Your Projects

This is a guest article by Grace Windsor from BrightWork. Have you ever delivered a project on time and within budget only to discover that your client is unhappy with the final result? This often stems from mismatched expectations, and is quite unpleasant for both parties. I still remember feeling deflated and frustrated following a…

Book next to a keyboard

4 Reasons Project Management Skills Should be a Priority in Early Education

This is a guest article by Brantlee Underhill, Managing Director, PMI, North America The pandemic of 2020 and beyond has revealed a plethora of urgent needs across various aspects of society. One of those needs that cannot be ignored is the importance of school-aged children feeling a sense of independence and ownership when it comes…