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Brian Weiss

Behind the scenes at PMI: Interview with Brian Weiss

I didn’t have the opportunity to meet Brian Weiss, VP of Practitioner Markets for PMI, at Synergy in 2012because Hurricane Sandy stopped him from making it to London. However, since then I have had the chance to catch up with Brian and find out more about his role at PMI. Here’s what he had to…

A woman smiling for the camera

Building a project management career: interview with Helen Hitchmough

Earlier this month we celebrated International Project Management Day and one of the themes this year was women in project management. I wanted to get someone else’s view on being a woman in project management so I spoke to Helen Hitchmough, a senior project manager at project management consultancy firm Acando, about her project management…

A man sitting at a table using a laptop computer

The future of project management software: the Microsoft view

In this video, Richard Gordon from Microsoft discusses the role of SharePoint, bemoans the fact companies don’t upgrade to the latest versions or use the full functionality and muses on the future of project management software. This video was filmed at the Project Management in the Collaborative Age round table discussion hosted by Microsoft and…

Is project management training really effective?

There’s a whole industry around certification training for project managers. Job adverts declare that you have to be PMP® certified or a PRINCE2® Practitioner. But does training actually make a difference to how you do your job? Training can make you about 26% more effective, according to research by PM Solutions (link broken as at…

A pair of glasses on a desk

Project management in schools: two case studies

Last week I wrote about what the PMI Educational Foundation does. One of the missions of PMIEF is to build project management skills in young people and teachers, better equipping students for the future. How exactly does it do that? At PMI’s EMEA Leadership Institute Meeting in Dublin in 2011, two volunteers spoke about their…

Why use Kanban?

In this video I ask Josh Nankivel from why he has chosen to use Kanban for managing the tasks for his project team. A transcript of this video is below. Elizabeth Harrin: Hello! My name is Elizabeth Harrin from the blog “A Girl’s Guide to Project Management” and I’m here today with a fellow…

Screenshot of Digite v6.0 showing list of labour types

Review: Digite v6.0

Digité is head quartered in Mountain View, California and was started as a collaboration between two companies. The objective was to bring out a tool that would help people collaborate and fulfill the needs of a trend they had already spotted back in 2003, that of distributed teams. “It’s not a PPM tool trying to…

BAs and PMs working together (part 4)

In this final instalment of the ‘working together’ series, I’ll be looking at how to improve the working relationships between project managers and business analysts. Changing working relationships is often more about culture than concrete tasks, but there are some things you can do to smooth any blips in the way that project managers and…