
Learn how to engage people on projects and manage stakeholder relationships at work. Get things done, even when your colleagues have different priorities!

People around a white board

How to Engage Project Stakeholders With Good Communication

Find out how to truly engage project stakeholders. The classic stakeholder management tool of the power and influence grid will only get you so far. Make your team ambassadors for your project. By creating a real sense of purpose and a shared vision you’ll get better results and have a higher chance of project success.

A person sitting on a chair in a room

Are You Ready For The Social Tech Revolution?

Learn why it’s not important to learn the latest hot social media tools that new entrants are using in their personal lives, but to understand that when these people start working in project teams, they will not only be comfortable with social media tools – they will expect and demand that those tools are used. A great guest contribution about the power of social technologies!