Latest Project Management Articles

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COO of Webplanner at 23: An interview with Jovia Nierenberg

Jovia Nierenberg is Chief Operating Officer at Experience in Software. That’s the company behind the new project management tool Webplanner. She’s only 23. I asked her about her life as a COO, what’s next for Webplanner and her advice for young women wanting to work in project management. Jovia, how did you end up being…

Secret projects and wonderful women: Bletchley Park

Imagine working in a company with 10,000 people. You’re working on a secret project. You don’t know your colleagues from the next room. You don’t know what the overall project objectives are. You don’t know who else is on the project team and you can’t tell anyone what you’re working on. All you know is…

A pair of glasses on a desk

Project management in schools: two case studies

Last week I wrote about what the PMI Educational Foundation does. One of the missions of PMIEF is to build project management skills in young people and teachers, better equipping students for the future. How exactly does it do that? At PMI’s EMEA Leadership Institute Meeting in Dublin in 2011, two volunteers spoke about their…

Education = future written on a blackboard

Philanthropic projects: the PMI Educational Foundation

If you’ve been around projects for any length of time you have probably come across the Project Management Institute. You might even have heard of PMIEF: the PMI Educational Foundation. But what does it actually do? I thought it mainly sponsored research, but it turns out I was wrong. PMIEF’s Chair, John Rickards, gave a…

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Social Media in a Project Environment: 2011 Survey Results

Over 75% of you feel that social media tools provide the opportunity to improve the way you manage projects, according to this year’s Social Media in a Project Environment survey. The 2011 results show how project managers around the world are using Collaboration Tools to manage projects and lead teams. There was lots of interest…

A person writing in a notebook on a desk

Project Meetings: 3 Steps to Maximize Efficiency

This is a guest post by Kathlika Thomas, head writer for the IT Project Blog. Impromptu project meetings are easy enough to schedule and can be useful, especially for getting quick responses from a client or from a technical resource when needed. However, ad hoc sessions can be time wasters, too. More often than not, the wrong people…