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PRINCE2 Agile Training: Logical Model Online Training Review

As at 14 September 2023 it looks like this course is no longer offered. Instead, I would recommend checking out MPlaza’s Agile PRINCE2 training. Training Company: Logical Model Product reviewed: PRINCE2 Agile® Bundle (includes exam fee, self-paced online training, support and mock exam) Other products offered by this training company: PRINCE2®, PMP Exam Prep, other…

A person sitting on a chair in a room

APM Chartered status is go: PMI’s objections are dismissed

This is going to be long, so here’s the summary: APM is applying for a Royal Charter PMI® objected at the time The Privy Council decided that they were going to recommend a Royal Charter for APM PMI raised legal challenges The High Court has conducted a judicial review into the objections PMI’s objections have…

Graffiti of project management qualifications

Project work is growing, but the profession is struggling to keep up

Project-related work and the number of project-related jobs are growing too quickly for our approaches to professionalism to keep up. You don’t have to look to hard to see that the world of work is becoming more focused on projects. I don’t think it’s just project professionals who would say that – business leaders are…

Is project management training really effective?

There’s a whole industry around certification training for project managers. Job adverts declare that you have to be PMP® certified or a PRINCE2® Practitioner. But does training actually make a difference to how you do your job? Training can make you about 26% more effective, according to research by PM Solutions (link broken as at…