Latest Project Management Articles

Oana Krogh-Nielsen

Better stakeholder engagement: Interview with Oana Krogh-Nielsen

Oana Krogh-Nielsen, Head of PMO for the National Electrification Program at Banedanmark, spoke at Nordic Project Zone and I was lucky enough to catch up with her to ask about the amazing projects she is working on. Here’s what she had to say. Hello Oana! Let’s get started: can you explain your job? I lead…

Photo of Pawel

What users want from project software: A case study

Pawel Wieckowski from GlaxoSmithKline presented a case study on their project software deployment at the Gartner PPM & IT Summit earlier this year. He started off by saying that they defined who would be using the tool. Users, he said, fell into the following categories: Project management community Project Management Office Senior management The whole…

laptop on a desk

Will Project Management Benefit from the Internet of Things?

This is a guest post by Zach Watson of TechnologyAdvice. The Internet of Things is perhaps the new most-used phrase to describe a recent technological breakthrough. Interestingly, the hype behind this particular innovation describes technology spread over a number a machines that work in concert. The most famous cases are sensors placed into arguably mundane…

Person pointing at a sticky note

WiSE: Supporting Senior Women Delivering Strategic Projects

This post was sponsored by IPS Learning. Sometimes the best ideas come from a chance conversation. A chance conversation that Mary Simpkins had last year is what set her off on a journey to develop WiSE: Women in Strategic Execution. The Strategic Execution Conference was held for the first time last year and next month…


How do you build a successful project team? Tips from Microsoft

Leadership, teaming, technology adoption and measuring effectiveness are the four things that Mike Hughes, Office Business Group Lead for Microsoft Ireland believes are essential for building a successful project team. He spoke at an Ireland Chapter of PMI event recently about collaboration best practice and how to create effective project teams in the current business…