Latest Project Management Articles

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What is ROM and how to calculate it (with example)

What is a ROM estimate? A rough order of magnitude estimate is used to give you a very high level view of potential project costs. Ideally, you’d be able to provide a definitive estimate, carefully created from loads of input from subject matter experts and plenty of research on past projects and their budgets. But…

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The Ultimate Guide to Getting People to Take Responsibility At Work

If you find yourself chasing your team all the time, you need to read the ultimate guide to getting people to take responsibility at work. Find out why your team aren’t taking responsibility for their own tasks and learn how to help them step up. These tips will help you develop your team and set everyone up for success.

List of advantages and disadvantages of teamwork

14 Universal pros and cons of teamwork you should know

There are both advantages and disadvantages to working as part of a team. Advantages include being able to pool resources (both human and financial), having built-in support systems, and being able to hold each other accountable. Disadvantages of teamwork can include conflict between team members, difficulty in making decisions, and feelings of isolation from the…