Learn they key aspects of being part of a project management office including strategy, reporting and PMO tools.

How Did The Project Management Profession Get Into This Mess?

There are a lot of project management certifications out there. So many that it’s making it hard for project managers and HR departments to know what to look for when someone applies for a job. Jerry Ihejika has an idea about how to sort out the educational mess we are in and to bring some standardisation to what it means to be a project manager.

A person writing in a notebook on a desk

How Good Governance is Improving the UK’s Major Projects

The UK Government has done a lot to improve the perception and delivery of major public sector projects. Find out how their improvements to governance structures have had a tangible effect on making sure projects hit their targets – and calling out those project leaders who haven’t managed to achieve what they set out to do.

A person sitting on a chair in a room

Organisational Change: the biggest risk to business today #GartnerPPM

On Monday I attended the Gartner PPM & IT Governance Summit in London. Richard Hunter from Gartner was one of the speakers during the opening keynote and he said that when the Standish Group’s first Chaos report came out in the 1990’s it flagged project management as the largest risk facing businesses at the time….

A person sitting in front of a laptop

ISO 21500: Angel Berniz explains the impact on project managers

Angel Berniz, Director of, spoke at Nordic Project Zone. He’s talking about ISO 21500, the new project management standard. I caught up with him to find out why this new standard is important and how it will impact project managers. Angel, tell me why the new ISO 21500 standard is important for project management?…

A person sitting in front of a laptop

Process-Driven Project Management: Minimizing the inherent risks within projects

This is a guest post by Neil Stolovitsky, Senior Solution Specialist at Genius. Although the fundamentals of project management are applicable across all types of project environments, the areas of emphasis can vary depending on the nature of the project you are running. Working for a PPM software vendor (Genius Inside) has its advantages in…

Behind the scenes at Project Management in the Collaborative Age

For those of you who would prefer to read rather than watch the video, here’s the transcript: Elizabeth Harrin: I’ve come to Victoria in London and I am looking for the Microsoft offices. I’m going to be chairing a round table discussion there today about project management in the collaborative age, and the things that…

Solving project performance problems has to start at the top

Austerity, explained Andy Murray, Director of Outperform, is a government policy of deficit cutting, lower spending and a reduction in the amount of benefits and public services provided. Murray was speaking at The Austerity Debate, a discussion at the historic Lloyd’s Register building in the City, about how project management is being affected by the…