How Eric Got A PM Job (And How You Can Too)
Get advice from a project management career coach on how to find your dream PM job. Luis Peluffo explains how he helped Eric start his career as a project manager.
Getting a job, getting promoted, getting your next job – it’s all here!
Get advice from a project management career coach on how to find your dream PM job. Luis Peluffo explains how he helped Eric start his career as a project manager.
We discuss how people find themselves in a project management role, why stepping up can give you new opportunities, building accountability and how to make project management valued by your management through linking it back to the things executives are worried about.
Legal work of all kinds – whether it be litigation or non-contentious work – is (or should be) project managed properly, from start to finish.
5 tips for a long and fulfilling career from women who have been there and done that. I picked up these gems of advice at a women in construction career development event that I spoke at about Imposter Syndrome.
I’m often asked questions about people’s career paths that I simply can’t answer. Find out why I refuse to answer questions with what the person hopes to hear, and why it’s better for their career longer term that I do. These are the answers to difficult career questions that you didn’t want to hear.
Do you have any under 30’s on your project team? I speak to Will Sargeant about how Gen Y is changing the shape of project teams and the challenges facing young and old(er) project managers working with multi-generational teams. Plus some tips on how to create effective working relationships and all get along together.
“What advice do you have for project management students fresh out of school who want to break into the discipline?” That’s what Geoff Crane asked me, and other project managers, so he could compile our top tips for his students. I found it quite difficult to come up with some tips because there are so…
Last week, the BCS’s Project Eye blogged about the low numbers of women entering science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) to pursue careers. Project and program management is still required in this fields – so given that women choose project management as a career, why aren’t they choosing it in STEM areas? I’ve teamed up…
Tomorrow is International Project Management Day, and the UK’s big event to celebrate is Synergy. Over 1000 project managers are due to converge on the O2 arena in London. I spoke to Chris Field, who is the UK PMI Chapter President and one of the organizers. When there is so much doom and gloom, and…
Intellect’s Women in IT Forum and recently released the results of their survey about women working in the technology profession. The survey shows that although 8% of women have reached director-level roles, up 3% on 2007, many women are not interested in pursuing pure management roles and want to remain doing hands on, technical jobs….
Just as Sarah Brown is launching her new initiative, Women: Inspiration and Enterprise, we get news of more evidence of discrepancies in women’s pay. The good news is that according to CMI research, this year our salaries rose by 2.8% compared to 2.3% for men. The bad news is that we are still way behind…
There has been a lot in the news recently about the gender pay gap, but unfortunately it has all been pretty descriptive: shock horror, women are paid less than men. As if we didn’t know that already. The Equality Bill had its second reading in the Lords last month and consultation on the guidance starts…