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What can we do to encourage women into IT project management?

Last week, the BCS’s Project Eye blogged about the low numbers of women entering science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) to pursue careers. Project and program management is still required in this fields – so given that women choose project management as a career, why aren’t they choosing it in STEM areas? I’ve teamed up…

chairs by a sofa

Research shows women don’t want management jobs

Intellect’s Women in IT Forum and recently released the results of their survey about women working in the technology profession. The survey shows that although 8% of women have reached director-level roles, up 3% on 2007, many women are not interested in pursuing pure management roles and want to remain doing hands on, technical jobs….

Can you wait 58 years to earn the same as your male colleagues?

Just as Sarah Brown is launching her new initiative, Women: Inspiration and Enterprise, we get news of more evidence of discrepancies in women’s pay. The good news is that according to CMI research, this year our salaries rose by 2.8% compared to 2.3% for men. The bad news is that we are still way behind…