Latest Project Management Articles

Front cover of Kevan's book Making the Matrix Work

Managing in a matrix – we are all project managers now!

This is a guest post by Kevan Hall, CEO of Global Integration. Project managers have had to deal with ‘matrix management’ for decades. They have to build the skills to manage short and long-term teams with representatives from different functions, regions and specialisations. The matrix actually first developed as a response to the need to…

How being customer-centric improves IT and project success

The video of me at Øredev speaking about how customer centricity improves success is available online on the conference website. It’s a presentation about the case study in the book I co-wrote with Phil Peplow last year, Customer Centric Project Management, but it also includes an updated project case study and some material that didn’t…

Kevin Baker

Improving project management standards at Airbus

Change is hard, and project managers aren’t particularly good at doing it to themselves – in my experience we prefer to implement change for others. Kevin Baker, Head of Project & Programme Management Operations at Airbus, took on the challenge of changing the way they manage projects. I spoke to him about how he implemented…

Andrew Makar

Managing your personal brand: an interview with Dr Andrew Makar

Today I’m interviewing Dr Andrew Makar, IT programme manager, blogger and author of Project Management Interview Questions Made Easy, about managing your personal brand at work and building a professional project management profile. Andy, why is it important to have a professional project management profile? Would you hire an individual dressed up in a bed…

John Roberts

The tipping point between effective leadership of change and the role of project managers

This is a guest post by John Roberts, director of project and change management consultancy myProteus. The clarity of corporate direction, the impact of project complexity and the effectiveness of project sponsorship significantly influence what project managers need to be able to cope with. What a good project manager looked like even 3 years ago…

A woman smiling for the camera

Building a project management career: interview with Helen Hitchmough

Earlier this month we celebrated International Project Management Day and one of the themes this year was women in project management. I wanted to get someone else’s view on being a woman in project management so I spoke to Helen Hitchmough, a senior project manager at project management consultancy firm Acando, about her project management…

laptop on a desk

How men and women manage risk differently

International Project Management Day in 2012 took as one of its themes the role of women in project management. At the time, I spoke to Angela Minzoni Alessio, PhD, an industrial and business anthropologist from the Ecole Centrale in Paris, about how men and women approach project risk differently. Angela, you’ve spent a lot of…