The Long Game (Book Review)

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Are you stuck in a zone of permanent action? Perhaps you are getting a lot done, but it’s tactical – nothing really strategic or long term. In fact, you might not even know what long term plan you want to have, let alone be making steps towards achieving it.

The Long Game by Dorie Clark (HBR Press) is the answer.

It’s a book that will help you create the ‘white space’ that you need to clear the decks and work out what that long term plan might be. It also explains how you might get there, however winding the path.

The book also has something for you if you don’t think you would be able to work out a plan either. After all, many people don’t know where they want to go, and actually, a plan isn’t important.

The point is to open yourself up to opportunities and lay the ground work for what might come later.

The book is full of anecdotes and stories of how people have ‘focused where it counts’ and found that decisions they took years ago paid off in terms of networking connections and opportunities. It’s an inspiring look at the power of thinking longer term.

The Long Game is a pro-networking guide on what it takes to build long term relationships with no expectations that the contact will immediately ‘pay off’ with some kind of deal or work opportunity. In fact, the author recommends not making an ask of a new contact within the first year.

The book is also a reminder of what it takes to be truly recognized as an expert and what it takes to accomplish your goals. It takes a long time – don’t get discouraged if you aren’t making progress fast enough, because often ‘fast’ is unrealistic.

We all want to get where we’re going as soon as possible, but you have to put the work in. Take a small step and positive momentum will help you achieve your goals.

I found it an interesting book that prompted me to reflect on my own long term plans, such as they are, and think about how I could be making better decisions to set me up for success in the future – whatever that might look like.

It’s an exercise worth doing regardless of what stage you are in your life or career. You might not end up there, but if you stay curious along the way, you are likely to end up just where you are meant to be.

The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World

It’s a book that will help you create the ‘white space’ that you need to clear the decks and work out what that long term plan might be. It also explains how you might get there, however winding the path.

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07/26/2024 10:21 pm GMT

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the long game book review
The Long Game
Book Review Featured

The Long Game is a book that will help you create the ‘white space’ that you need to clear the decks and work out what that long term plan might be. It also explains how you might get there, however winding the path.


Author: Dorie Clark

Editor's Rating: