Work/Life Balance

Learn how to juggle work and life as a project manager with tips on how to get it all done.

Hands on keyboard with coffee

Research shows female project managers earn less (but we might get more maternity pay)

The Arras People 2011 Benchmark Report is out – and the study shows some interesting facts about pay. Pay for female project professionals peaks at the £30k to £40k salary band. Salaries for women over £65k are rare, and only 15% of women earn over £50k. Male salaries plateau between £30k and £50k with 47%…

International Women's Day logo

Women manage the cheap, small projects: new research on International Women’s Day

2011 marks the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. Today, people all over the world are celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. And they are also eating pancakes, as this year IWD falls on the same day as Shrove Tuesday. Women have an important part to play in…