Latest Project Management Articles

Why I blog

So I got tagged by Christine Kane. Which means I have to come up with five reasons why I blog. After not very much thought, here are my reasons: 1. Because I wrote a book Many bloggers start off by web publishing and then move into traditional publishing, in the Petite Anglaise and Random Acts…

The Parisian project manager’s breakfast

Following my (rather dismissive) comments about recognition breakfasts for project managers on Projects@Work (no longer available), I thought it would be interesting to consider what breakfast choices are available to the busy PM, in case anyone close to me feels like laying on a recognition breakfast in my honour to celebrate International Project Management Day…

Launch week

Last week was all go, so I was glad to have last weekend in Villefranche-sur-Mer, looking at the houses set into the cliffs, making the most of a little bit of free time before the project kicked off. Launch week for any project is always busy, but it’s my favourite time. It’s the moment when…