Risk and issue management

Learn the tips and tricks for managing project risks and issues effectively. Plus how to manage project issues.

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Talking about risk: interview with Wilhelm Kross (part 2)

Recently I spoke to risk expert Dr Wilhlem Kross about risk communication and the challenges facing project managers talking about risk. Here is the second part of that interview, in which Wilhelm and I talk about how project managers can best communicate about risk on their projects. Wilhelm, you talked about how sometimes people communicating…

An open laptop computer sitting on top of a table

Talking about risk: interview with Wilhelm Kross (part 1)

It can be hard to talk to stakeholders about risk, but project status reports should include information about the risks faced by the project. In 2013, risk expert Dr Wilhlem Kross, a partner of Plejades and the Amontis Consulting network, spoke at Project Zone Congress in Frankfurt about real-life risk management. I caught up with…

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How men and women manage risk differently

International Project Management Day in 2012 took as one of its themes the role of women in project management. At the time, I spoke to Angela Minzoni Alessio, PhD, an industrial and business anthropologist from the Ecole Centrale in Paris, about how men and women approach project risk differently. Angela, you’ve spent a lot of…

A person sitting in front of a laptop

Process-Driven Project Management: Minimizing the inherent risks within projects

This is a guest post by Neil Stolovitsky, Senior Solution Specialist at Genius. Although the fundamentals of project management are applicable across all types of project environments, the areas of emphasis can vary depending on the nature of the project you are running. Working for a PPM software vendor (Genius Inside) has its advantages in…

David Cleden at the Experts’ Forum

“I don’t think there are any magic bullets to deal with the uncertainty we face,” said David Cleden, when he presented at the Gower/NCPM Experts’ Forum earlier this year. His presentation was on organisational strategies for dealing with uncertainty. Cleden brought up the famous ‘known/unknowns’ diagram and pointed out that the commonly-seen version with four…

The Risk Doctor at the Experts’ Forum

“The risk people are the business prevention people,” said David Hillson, at the beginning of his presentation at the Gower Experts’ Forum at the National Centre for Project Management. He pointed out that the results from the 2009 CHAOS report aren’t that much better than those when CHAOS started out: last year the survey reported…


Taking a risk with cerise-chocolat

This weekend I did something I’ve never done before. I dyed my hair. Call it a nearing-30 crisis, a moment of folly in Auchan, the inspiration of my sister’s perfect highlights… Anyway, armed with a box of little tubes, powders and liquids we set to work Saturday afternoon. I am generally quite risk-averse. I think…